Spend Easter Break in Neverland

If there is one place on Earth, where the grass is always greener, lush and vivid, these for sure is England. Today we are not talking about remote and exotic islands or areas of the world that enjoy eternal summer. Today we are going to discuss a holiday break destination option that is probably in your neighbourhood that you won’t usually consider as the Easter break getaway you are in need of. However, we as human beings often believe that the more remote and unfamiliar, the better, but this is not quite the case. As many people would confirm, indeed, get to know your neighbourhood first, get to know your own country, so you will fall in love with it.
As you may guess, today’s idea for an Easter break trip or journey is all about the UK. About the UK’s parks, to be more specific. And about Nottingham’s parks, to be extra and super specific and detailed. What about them is really that special you are going to find out if you make sure you keep up reading! So without further ado, welcome to Neverland!
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Maybe you are wondering what on Earth do Nottingham parks have in common with Neverland. We are not going to build on tension and suspense, so here is your straightforward answer – Nottingham parks, Arboretum Park to be more specific is, in fact, Neverland! Arboretum park located in Nottingham and the fairy land of Neverland from the Scottish novelist J. M. Barrie’s novel The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up are the exact same place! Hoes does this come? If you refuse to believe this fun fact, as Peter Pan is refusing the grow up, let us explain a bit more and hopefully we can inspire you to visit this impressively beautiful and magical place right at the heart of the city of Nottingham.
The image of Peter Pan, the boy who can fly and refuses to grow up, is used a lot in many works of the Scottish novelist J. M. Barrie, but The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up is considered to be the author’s most successful and popular one, the same one the Disney movie is based on. In the novel that is beloved by many, from the youngest to the oldest readers, we can follow Peter Pan, the forever young boy and his sidekicks, while they are enjoying adventures in the fairy land of Neverland, a world of the Lost Boys, fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans and occasionally outside children from the real world.
Do you already wonder where J. M. Barrie draw inspiration from to create this magical world? You guessed it right, from Arboretum park in Nottingham! While the author has lived and worked in the city of Nottingham, he was fascinated by the impressive beauty of the park, so he based his magical Neverland on this real area of the British city.
What is so special about Arboretum park in Nottingham and why you need to plan a visit this Easter break? The park is a home of thousands and thousands of wood and plant species for more than two centuries already. In fact, nowadays in the park, you can find most of the original plants that have been brought to the park, when it was built. In this park, you can also find most of the original trees, which are now trees champions because they are already very old and very big. This great variety and diversity of thousands of domestic and exotic species create a picturesque landscape for each and every fan of nature and a mesmerizing atmosphere, the exact same as Neverland is described in the book.
Arboretum means a collection of trees and the park stands exactly for its name. But besides a great variety of trees, plants and a group of exotic parrots that live in the heart of the park, here you can find a bit more than your usual British park. And who knows, perhaps somewhere there, in between the sun rays, you can catch Peter Pan flying around, just for a second, followed by Wendy and the Lost Boys… Enjoy!