Top Holiday Destinations That Are Disappointing In Real Life

We always love to say that the world is a wonderful place and there is not a single inch of it that is not beautiful, charming, amazing and deserving your attention and love. However, no matter how much we love each and every part and corner of the world, we are sure that you will support us in the statement that sometimes it happens that a new place we have never visited before disappoints us a bit. Maybe because this is not the exact place that vibes in our own energy and liking, maybe because the place is overrated and the disappointment is caused by too high expectations, maybe, maybe… Maybe the problem is in the way the traveller perceives the place, maybe the problem is in the place, or maybe in the traveller, who knows and it is not even that important. So, what’s the point of today’s article that presents you a list of top destinations that are not the way you expect them to be in real life?
Well, first of all, we would like to help you learn, or at least try to not have expectations, when travelling – be open for what awaits you, do not follow someone else’s dreams, paths and experiences, forget about the stereotypes and what is considered to be the perfect vacation. Second, travelling the entire world is almost impossible (lucky you, if you manage to see all the places on this earth, however!). That’s why a good travelling routine and experience is a matter of a good prioritising – make sure to visit all the places that you feel close to your heart, all the places that will touch that special strings in your soul and leave you with an unforgettable experience, all the places that excite you. Even if these places are not part of the annual travel destinations ranking, even if these places are not that instagrammable and people on Facebook don’t talk about them, make sure to always follow your heart. This is the only way to avoid visiting places that will later disappoint you and the only way to have the best memories!
We are human beings and as such we all have this constant need of exploring and expanding our knowledge. Travelling is the best way to satisfy these needs and enjoy all the beauty the world has to offer. Isn’t it strange that we are able to click with certain places in the right minute we step off the place, while other places took us a while to understand and start liking, or even experience a love-hate relationship with? Well, it is not that strange, to be honest, because it happens to everyone! Destinations of adventure and excitement call our names through all possible ways, but since we live in the modern digital century, mostly from social media websites and networks. Internet places such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are our main sources of travel inspiration with all those amazingly wonderful pictures uploaded every second.
But what happens, when you want to visit the magical place from the picture, hop on the aeroplane and once you land off and see it with your own eyes… you simply don’t quite feel like belonging to this very place?! Hands down, travelling industry, as any other industry indeed, is a place, where specific places, national symbols, cultures, world wonders and such are significantly more boosted and get the most of the attention of the travellers. However, a big percent of the people visiting them share that they feel all these places and landmarks are simply… overrated! Somewhere there, way under all the layers of beautiful photo editing filters, behind the perfect angle and beyond the best lighting for taking a picture, somewhere there is hiding the truth about the country/city and you will either like it or not.
Now do yourself a favour and lower all the high expectations that are so strongly influenced by all the false advertising around you! Here are some places around the world that are beautiful, indeed, but not as beautiful as everyone around you is describing them!
Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall of China is definitely one of the modern wonders of the world and visiting it is a part of the bucket lists of so many people around the world. With its breath-taking 13 thousand miles across the Asian-Pacific region, the Great Wall is certainly awe-inspiring and deserves to be visited at least once in a lifetime, but how do you imagine all these 13 thousand miles overcrowded by millions of visitors and travellers… every single day, every single hour. Chances are that you will never in your life be able to see and enjoy this world’s wonder without at least a thousand of people around you, smashing you, taking over your perfect picture and photobombing you without even intending to do so.
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
Yes, indeed, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is definitely one of those things in the world that makes you questioning physics, gravity, possible and impossible things, life in general… How on Earth is this tower managing to live through the centuries without falling apart due to its strange and non-sturdy position is a mystery that scientists cannot decode to this date and they will probably never able to unmistify this modern world’s wonder.
So, naturally, you will be excited to visit such a quirky tower and the fact that it is located in Italy is definitely fueling your enthusiasm further. Of course, you would like to take one of those popular pictures, where the tower is leaning on your hands/back/whatever part of your body and it looks like the only reason for this planet to rotate, gravity to work, oceans to be filled with water and birds to fly is your non-human power. But wait a minute and take a second guess… millions of people know where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is and all of them want to take the same picture. So now, how do you find hours of waiting and searching for the perfect angle like?
The Mona Lisa, France
Definitely the most popular picture in the entire world, The Mona Lisa is located in the Louvre museum in Paris, France and attracts millions of tourists and visitors every year, all of them dying to see this famous piece of art with their own eyes. However, you will be very surprised to find out that the Mona Lisa is actually a pretty tiny painting and nothing like you have ever imagined. It is kept behind a special glass and adding to this the hours-long queue, it makes you question if all the hype really worth it?
The Eiffel Tower, France
Well, we are also surprised that the most popular must-see in the world, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, is included in this list, but it certainly deserves a place here too. Is there are more romantic place in the world than the Eiffel Tower and the surrounding Parisian beauty, freedom, romance?! What about a romantic cheese-baguette-and-wine-inspired picnic where the Eiffel Tower is and all these amazing pictures you will be able to snap and upload on Instagram… well, in case you manage to find a place, where you can place the picnic blanket and basket and sit because you are certainly not the only one, who want to enjoy the Eiffel Tower that day… and the next day… and every day to the end of the world, to be honest!
Copacabana Beach, Brazil
Copacabana Beach in Brazil is recognised for its classic image of the perfect beach life with an endless coastline of golden sand and turquoise crystal clear water. You know what else is classic and never grows old? The problem that all these popular and amazing places around the world are simply way too overcrowded! In addition, the surrounding Rio is known for its high rate of crimes, so your belonging will never be safe if you leave them non-monitored and you don’t keep an eye on them. But then again, hanging around your belonging so they don’t get stolen is simply not the way we imagine the perfect holiday.
Venice, Italy
Yet another Italian classics in the list and certainly a place that is visited and will be visited by millions of people, because it attracts them all with its peculiar and unbeatable beauty, classic architecture, romantic atmosphere. However, as the most popular cities in the world, Venice has a problem with traffic too. Unlike the other cities, the traffic of Venice is aquatic. So you can expect to wait for hours to finally be able to get to wherever you are heading too… but in a boat/gondola!