A la carte – The term is referred to meals offered in the restaurants of many hotels or simply in restaurants. It means that each meal is priced separately. It often means that the food can be ordered as a separate item and not a part of a set of meal.
A la carte bar – Also known as a Cash bar. A la carte bars are located within a hotel room and it is pre-stocked with beverages and snacks that can be provided for free as a compliment from the hotel or also cost a certain amount.
Abeam – A term commonly used in aircraft and seafaring. Abeam is a navigational term and it refers to something off to the side of the vessel or the main body, f. ex. the airplane’s wings.
Accessible tourism – The term refers to a travel with a high availability in inner-country or inner-content destinations, accommodations, attractions, services, products, etc. to all people. The term is also known as accessible travel.
Accommodation – Refers to all sorts of places and rooms that can and are rented out legally to tourists and travelers on a fixed price. Accommodations can include hotels, Airbnb-type rooms, apartments, houses, villas, mansions, hostels, etc.
Activity provider – The activity provider is located within a travel destination and provides tourists for opportunities to experience a certain activity while they are on a holiday. The offered activities can be extreme sports, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, food and beverage tours, etc.
Add-on – A selection added to a travel reservation. Add-ons are typically on an increased price.
Adjoining rooms – Refers to neighbouring/bordering hotel rooms that do not share a common door.
Adoption rate – The difference between the percentage of tickets issued by an online booking system and the tickets by a traditional booking channel of travel agent-assisted reservations.
Advance purchase requirement – Refers to tickets that must be purchased in a period of minimum number of days before the departure of a flight.
Adventure industry – The adventure industry is operated by tour operators, who are specialized and focused on offering outdoor activities. Such activities can include white water rafting, kayaking, trekking and hiking, mountain biking, etc.
Adventure tour – Adventure tours refer to tours that offer adventurous activities such as white water rafting, kayaking, trekking and hiking, mountain biking, etc.
Adventure travel – A category of travel that includes travelling with a perceived and potential risk. Adventure travels often require a level of physical training and specialized skills.
Adventure traveller – Adventure travellers prefer to go to destinations where they can experience adventure activities and tours.
Affinity card – Affinity cards are issued by banks as debit or credit cards in a cooperation and in partnership with a particular frequent traveller programme.
Affinity group – Affinity groups include people with common interests, hobbies, and activities united through a regular participation is meetings and gatherings.
Affiliate – A business partner within a tourist destination, f. ex. an affiliate hotel, an affiliated restaurant, etc.
After-departure charge – Includes all costs that are not listed on the guests’ bills at checkout. These can be telephone charges, dining charges, etc.
Agent – Agent businesses are mainly focused on re-selling tours, holiday packages, and activities in exchange for a commission fee.
Air travel card – Air credit cards are sponsored by different airlines and can be used for the purchases of air travel only.
Air travel – The process of travelling by aircraft.
Air/Sea – The term is applied for trips, tickets, fares, etc. that include both air- and land-based travel agreements. It could be a cruise package with air travel included.
Aircraft – In the travel industry aircraft usually means airplanes.
Airline alliance – Airlines alliances are agreements of cooperation and partnership between groups of airlines for the sake of a larger and more flexible network.
Air traffic control – Usually, the air traffic control is called the control tower at the airport. In general, it refers to the control centre in charge of controlling a large area of the sky.
Airline fare – Refers to the price charged for a flight ticket. There are several types of fares that can be charged with the market conditions.
Airport transfer – A transportation service offered from and to airports to hotels and other fixed spots. Airport transfers are usually pre-paid as a part of a packaged tour.
Airport access fee – Car rental companies pay a fee to the airport authority in order to use the shuttle vehicles. The airport access fee often appears in in the car rental bills.
AliPay – The name of the leading payment getaway for many countries in the world, especially in China.
All-inclusive – Refers to a packaged holiday that includes all fees and charges that are usually charged separately into one final fixed price.
Alternative tourism – A non-conventional travel by nature. It can be a niche kind of tourism. Also known as an alternative travel.
Alumni tour – Alumni tours are organized for previous customers, who have booked a holiday with a certain tour operator. It is also known as a reunion tour.
Amenities – Useful and desirable features or facilities in buildings and places.
Amenity package – A package of special features. An amenity package can include things like a complimentary tour or excursion, bar or boutique credit in a hotel, being served wine on dinner, etc.
American plan – A hotel’s set of meals package that usually includes all three meals each day.
Apron – The area surrounding the gate areas of a terminal at an airport. The area is generally used for parking and maintenance of airplanes.
Archipelago – A group of islands. An example of archipelago countries are Japan and Indonesia.
Attractions – Attractions could be national monuments and parks, natural wonders, landmarks, man-made facilities, structures, activities, entertainments and other that are a subject of interest to travellers.
Autobahn – A high-speed interstate, intercountry, or intercontinental road system. The equivalent of the autobahn in America is called a highway. Autobahns are usually located in the countries of Western Europe.
Availability – Refers to the total number of seats that can be sold at a particular rate.
Back to back – Refers to back to back tours that operate on a consistent and continuing basis.
Back to back ticket – Refers to an against-the-rules practice. Pretty much means when air-ticket issues for a round-trip with only one portion to be used. Then another ticket is issued round-trip with only one portion to be used.
Baggage allowance – Refers to the amount of baggage that a passenger is allowed to transport without paying an extra charge.
Baggage master – The baggage master controls the baggage handling on a ship.
Balcony – Referring to a ship, the balcony is an outside porch located just outside the ship’s cabin. It is usually private.
Barge cruising – A cruise along a canal system.
Bargain site – A website providing discounts on different travel events and services.
Base fare – The cost of an airfare before the additional charges and extra fees.
Bed & Breakfast – A type of accommodation. It is often a smaller sized and local establishment, a private home or a boarding house and includes a breakfast, usually full American-style or Continental.
Bell captain – The one who is in charge of handling the baggage in a hotel.
Bellboy – An employee of the hotel, who assist guest with their luggage, running errands for them, etc.
Bellman – An employee of the hotel, who is in charge of carrying the guests’ luggage to the hotel room.
Bespoke tour – A tour that is customized and tailor-made for the traveler.
Biking trip/tour – Refers to a self-contained cycling trip. Biking trips and tours are usually organized for pleasure and adventure rather than as an exercise and sports. Biking tours can be different in longevity – from one day to multi-day and a whole holiday.
Birthday travel – A travel that is organized to celebrate a birthday.
Blackout dates – During blackout dates special offers and discounts do not apply. Usually, blackout dates are around holidays and special events.
Bleisure traveller – Refers to someone who travels for both business and leisure. Someone books a business travel but decides on a couple of extra days after work is done for exploring and enjoying the place.
Block – Refers to the number of rooms or seats reserved in advance by a tour operator or a wholesaler so they can sell them as components of a tour package.
Blocked space – Spaces that are reserved for third-party companies on a special discounted price.
Boarding pass – The airport check-in issues boarding passes as tickets that authorize the passengers boarding the airplane.
Booking – A sale in the tourism industry.
Booking fee – Booking fee is an additional fee that is added to the online purchase. In general, booking fee covers administration fees, processing a card fees, customer service fees, etc.
Booking form – A type of document that is filled in by a purchaser of a tour that provides the tour operator with all details about who is purchasing the tour.
Boutique hotel – This type of hotels are often niche ones, usually smaller and more intimate than chain hotels.
Breakage – The expenses budgeted for a tour, which is not used and is left as an additional profit for the tour operator.
Break-even point – Also known as BEP. BEP refers to the point at which the expenses and the revenues are equal.
Bucket list travel – A list of destinations that includes all the destinations a person wants to visit before reaching to a certain point in their life.
Bulk contract – An agreement between an airline company and a third party for selling a large block of seats that will be re-sold by the third party.
Bulk fare – A reduced fare for a purchase of a large number of tickets.
Bumping – Airlines sometimes practice bumping which means denying boarding on a specific flight to passengers who hold tickets due to the fact that the flight is oversold. The carrier offers some sort of compensation to volunteers who agree to take later flights instead.
Business class – On a flight, business class falls between first class and economy. Amenities vary depending on the airline company.
Cabin – In aircraft, the cabin is the passenger’s area. On a cruise ship, the cabin is the stateroom.
Cabin crew – The group of flight attendants on the flight. All duties within the airplane’s cabin are the primary responsibility of the cabin crew.
Cabin steward – The person responsible for cleaning and maintaining the cabins on a cruise ship.
Cancellation penalty – A fee the customer is charged with after changing travel plans and cancelling a flight after making a booking and a final payment.
Cancellation policy – The specific terms and conditions set when a customer and a travel service provider make an agreement for a booking. Usually, cancel policies regard the time in advance a customer can cancel a tour/flight and change travel plans without the application of a monetary or any other type of penalty.
Captain – In aircraft, the captain is the pilot in charge of the airplane, the pilot in command.
Carrier – A term that refers to the company that transports passengers.
Cashless cruising – A term used for the system of onboard payment of the majority of the cruise ships. Cashless cruising is when the final bill of any purchase is presented against a cash deposit or a credit card given upon the check-in.
Charter – When and individual or a group makes a single booking for the exclusive use of a vehicle or service. There is a charter bus, charter tour, charter boat, etc.
Celebrity travel – Also known as a high net worth travel. Celebrity travels are extra luxurious travels to destinations with attention to privacy, security, and confidentiality. Usually describes the high requirements of celebrity and high net worth passengers.
Change of equipment – Also known as a change of gauge. When a flight with a single flight number lands and changes the type of airplane before reaching to its final destination.
Chauffer driven tours – A tour with a chauffeur employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle. Usually, a chauffeur is employed for driving luxurious vehicles on celebrity and high net worth travels.
Circle itinerary/trip – A tour designed for visiting different destinations and staying overnight for a certain period of time with returning to the starting point of departure at the end without retracing the travel route.
City guide – A tour guide operating within a big city. City guides often operate from a motor coach or a van.
City tour – A sightseeing tour within a city, usually led by a city guide pointing out and commenting the highlights of the city.
Closeout – The finalization of a group travel tour after which no other customers are accepted.
Coach – The economy passenger section/class in an airplane. Coach or economy class flight tickets are normally with the lowest rate compared to business and first class.
Commission – A fee charged by a travel agent or a other travel services added to the final fee with the intend for making a profit.
Commission cap – A limit set to the commissions of travel agents and services for the sale of flight tickets regardless of their price.
Commission tour – All tours available to travel agents and wholesalers which provide for a payment of an agreed-upon sales commission.
Commuter – Also known as puddle-jumpers. Small regional airlines.
Complimentaries – Items that are provided free of charge. May include rooms, meals, tickets, souvenirs, gifts, etc.
Computerised Reservation System – An online system used by travel agents and containing information about pricing, availability, and product descriptions of travel goods and services.
Concierge – A hotel employee who has the main responsibility or helping guests when booking tours and other travel services, making reservations, etc.
Convenience fee – An additional fee charged for the comfort of using an alternative payment method.
Consolidator – A third-party business with an agreement with an airline to sell flight tickets in bulk, usually at a discounted price.
Corporate agency – A travel agency that caters medium to large businesses.
Confirmed reservation – Comes in an oral and written form and it is a statement issue by a supplier of a travel service provider that the booking is received and will be honoured.
Connecting flight – Refers to situations when a passengers’ flight stops at an intermediate point where the passengers have to change to another flight in order to reach their destination.
Consolidation – Refers to cancellation issues by a tour operator of one or more flights in a specific departure period or connected to a specific departure charter. The tour operator has the responsibility to ensure another charter flight on the same or near date for the passengers.
Consumer protection plan – A compensation offered to passengers in case of a company bankruptcy. In such event, an association or a company offers to protect the customer’s deposits and payments.
Continental breakfast – Usually served as a part of a hotel’s menu. Normally it includes at least a hot beverage such as coffee, tea, or milk, rolls, a toast, and fruit juice.
Control tower – The people working in the control tower usually oversee and monitor aircraft movements at the airport including ground traffic.
Corporate rate – A hotel rate designed especially for business travellers. The corporate rates are normally applied to the best rooms at a fixed cost and for a specific period of time.
Corporate travel – Corporate travels are organized by businesses and for business purposes.
Costing – Refers to calculating all the costs a tour operator will pay on a tour.
Couchette – Refers to a sleeping compartment on a train. Normally couchette compartments consist of 6 beds.
Cruise tour – A land and sea holiday package. Cruise tours include multiple overnight stays at a passenger ship and multi-day tours to inland destinations.
Cuisine – A regional/local style of cooking. A style of cooking with distinctive ingredients and techniques for a certain region or country.
Culinary tourism – A type of tourism defined as a pursuit of special eating and drinking experiences. Culinary tourism offers an authentic taste of the uniqueness of a local culture and geographical region.
Cultural tourism/travel – A category of tourism designed to exploring the uniqueness of a specific region, geographical place and its unique culture and more specifically of the local people of the region and their lifestyle, history, art, crafts, architecture, religion, and all other factors shaping them as a unique nation or group of people.
Custom tour – A category of tour travel designed and customised to cater to the requirements and desires of an individual or a group of travellers.
Currency – The form of money used in every country for paying for goods and services.
Customer relationship management – Refers to a company’s approach to manage and monitor communication with existing and potential clients.
Customer support – A company’s service designed to provide the customer with the help they need, in the field they need it, and whenever they need it.
Daily deals – When a business promotes a particular sale or deal on a specific day.
Day rate/day room – A reduced rate for the use of a room during the day only without an overnight stay.
Day tour – A tour that lasts no longer than 24 hours and usually departs and arrives on the same day.
Debark – Getting off an airplane or a ship.
Deck – The floor area of a ship.
Demand generators – Strategies, programs, and events used by a tour operator to attract a higher rate of destination demand.
Departure tax – Refers to a fee collected from the passenger by the country they departure in the time of departure.
Deposit – An advanced payment that is a percentage of the total bill in order to secure a room/place/tour, etc.
Destination – An area/region/country/place to which someone is going. The term is often used for areas that are a subject of interest of tourists.
Destination management company – A company specialized in promoting and re-selling tours and accommodations in specific destination and to a specific region the company works from.
Dine-around plan – Refers to a specific meal plan that includes dining in various restaurants in an area.
Direct access – Travel agents are allowed to have a direct access to an airline company’s database to get true last-seat availability and correct pricing.
Direct flight – A flight that transfers travellers from the point of origin to the final destination. Direct flights are usually non-stop but there are also direct flights with one or more stops but with no change in aircraft.
Disaster tourism – Travelling to an area that may be affected by a natural disaster, warfare, or civil strife.
Domestic fare – Refers to the additional fare added to national flights.
Double booking – Holding a reservation for the same date, time, destination, and on the same carrier but through different agencies.
Double occupancy – The way tour packages and cruise fares are quoted based on two people travelling together.
Double-room rate – The price of an accommodation/room for two people.
Driver guided tour – A tour guided by the driver of the vehicle used for transporting the travellers. The drivers are providing a commentary on the places visited as part of the tour’s program.
Drop-off charge – When renting a car, the drop-off charge is the additional fee charged for the vehicle being returned to a place that is different than from where the car was rented.
Duty-free imports – Refers to amounts and categories of items that are free of import charge or tax when brought into the country. Duty-free imports are specified by the government of the country.
Early check-in – The accommodation/hotel allows the guest to check in earlier than the official/standard check-in time.
Eco/sustainable tourism – A tourism category of tours and visits directed to often exotic and threatened areas of the natural environment. The aim of this tourism category is often supporting the conservation efforts and observing the specific wildlife of the area/region.
Eco-conscious travel – The traveller is aware of the impact on the environment that travelling has. Many eco-conscious travellers look out for alternative ways to minimize the negative impact of travelling on nature and the environment. The terms is also known as eco-friendly travel.
Ecotour – A tour directed to observe the wildlife of environmentally sensitive regions and areas. It is often organized with the aim of supporting the conservation and preservation efforts or when there is a lack of such efforts, for attracting the attention of more people to the existing issues. Also known as ecotourism.
Education tour – When the tour is designed around some sort of an educational activity or for students interested in some sort of educational activity, f. ex. studying art or science.
Electronic ticket – Also known as an e-ticket. Allows the traveller to travel paperless and with a valid ID only.
Embark – Boarding a cruise ship or a plane.
End suite – In the hotel industry, the term indicates that the room is provided directly with some certain features.
English breakfast – A commonly served breakfast mean in hotels, usually the hotels in the UK. Usually includes cereal, juice, eggs, meats, other beverages.
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) – The time that the transport arrives.
Estimated time of departure (ETD) – The time that the transport departures.
Ethnicity – A group of people with a similar ethnical and cultural background and identity.
Ethno-tourism – A category of tourism that is directed at exploring indigenous populations, their traditions, and cultures.
European plan – Hotel’s rate excluding all meals.
Event organiser – A qualified employee who organizes a particular event for a company, hotel, community, etc.
Exclusive fair – Travel consolidators offering airfares on a special discounted price.
Excursion – An additional side trip from main destinations. Usually, excursions are optional or the price of an excursion is already added to the final price of the destination.
Exotic travel – A travel category that is directed at exploring an exotic place or area, or a tour that includes a mysterious and unusual place or activity. Exotic travels are highly subjective in nature but the main idea of such a travel is offering something completely different than what the traveller is familiar with or accustomed to.
Experience economy – A popular and emerging practice of travellers immersing themselves in the traditions, culture, and history of local for the destination people. Also known as experiential travel.
FAM/familiarisation tour – A free or reduced-price tour provided and offered to travel agents for helping them get familiar with a destination they promote, advertise, and sell. The practice includes getting familiar with a destination, accommodation, activity, travel mode, etc. The term is also known as familiarity tour.
Family plan – When hotels allow the children to stay in the parents’ room without an additional charge. Different hotels have different age requirements.
Family holiday – Also known as multi-generation travel. A travel category that includes members of a family.
Familymoon – Described a honeymoon travel when newlywed couples travel with their children.
Fare aggregator – A tool comparing and showing the different prices offered by many different companies for a certain activity/service/item at the same time. Fare aggregators are commonly used for comparing the prices of airline tickets, hotels, etc.
Fare basis – The code determining the price of an airline ticket.
Final boarding call – The final call to board a plane before the jet bridge closes and departure.
First class – Usually in a plane, cruise ship, or other transports, the first class is the one offering the highest premium service.
First officer – The second in command pilot of a plane. The first officer sits on the right in the cockpit and has 3 stripes as an identification.
Flight attendant – Also known as stewardess/steward or air host/hostess. Flight attendants are employees of an airline and their responsibility is ensuring the comfort and safety of the passengers in an aircraft.
Flight crew – Consists of all employees of an airline company with responsibilities on a flight, including pilots, pursers, flight attendants.
Fly/drive tour – A tour package that includes a flight and a rental car.
Foreign independent tour (FIT) – A travel package designed by a travel agent that includes separate components such as a car rental, hotel, and airfare that are completely tailored to the wishes of the traveller. Such package may include many different independent options such as theatre tickets, excursions, city tours, food tours, etc. The term is also known as flexible independent travel.
Free independent traveller – A traveller who is not travelling with a group.
Frequent flyer program – All travellers who fly frequently can enrol to a program that allows them to have rewards for travelling frequently with an aircraft. Usually, the rewards include free flights with a certain company as a loyal customer.
Full-service hotel – A hotel that has restaurant facilities.
Function room – Also known as a banquet room. A private room that can be booked and used for parties, banquets, meetings, etc.
Funnel flight – A flight on a smaller plane, usually a regional airline, that is often used for travelling to larger planes which fly to other destinations.
Fuselage – The main body section of an aircraft that contains the cabin and holds the crew and cargo.
Galley – The kitchen area of a plane, train, ship.
Gate-airport – The area of the airport where the passenger’s board on a plane for a flight. The gates of the airport are located in concourses.
Gateway – A place, area, or a city where from which a tour departs.
Geotourism – A tourism category that sustains and enhances the distinctive geographical character of an area, place, region, country, etc.
Global distribution systems – A system that contains all the information about rates, prices, availability, and related services airlines, hotel, car, rail companies, etc. Through the global distribution system can be made reservations, tickets can be issued, etc.
Graduation travel – A travel category that indicates travels and tours in celebration of a graduation.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) – The solar-based time in Greenwich, England. All time zones around the world are based on GMT.
Group – Several people who travel together.
Group leader – A member of the travelling group who has the responsibility of organizing and arranging the tour, leading and coordinating the group.
Group rate – A negotiated rate of travel that is applied when a larger group of people are travelling and booking together. Usually applies to a holiday package and a stay plan.
Group tour – A travel package for a group of travellers with a common itinerary, travel dates, transport, and destination. The group travels usually include a prepaid package of transportation, lodging, dining, attraction admissions. Also known as group travel.
Guaranteed share – On a cruise ship, when a companion is found for a single traveller at a special rate. Even if the cruise line is unable to find a cabin mate, the rate is still honoured. Usually, the guaranteed share rate is less than the single person rate for a cabin.
Guaranteed tour – When a tour is guaranteed to operate unless it is not cancelled before an established cutoff date.
Guest house – A private house offering accommodation to guests. Guests pay for the accommodation.
Guest ranch – A ranch that is orientated towards tourism and visitors. Guest ranches are usually an element of agritourism.
Guided tour – A local sightseeing trip coordinated and conducted by a professional guide.
Half pension – Also known as demi-pension or a modified American plan (MAP). It means a hotel rate that includes a breakfast and one other meal, usually a dinner.
Head tax – In some countries, the head tax is charged for arriving and departing passengers.
High season – The high season of a destination is when the destination gets super popular due to a certain reason such as a specific seasonal activity, a natural wonder happening only in a specific time of the year, a good weather, etc. In high season, the destination welcomes the biggest crowds of tourists compared to the rest of the year. In many countries the hotel, car rental, etc. rates are increased during the high season.
Hiking trip/tour – A trip or tour that includes hiking activities or it is entirely dedicated to hiking. During hiking tours, the major transportation mode is hiking or walking.
Honeymoon travel – A travel category when newly married couples travel in celebration to their marriage.
Hosted group tour – Group tours that feature a representative or the host of the tour operator, destination, or a third-party tour provider, who interacts with the group only for a short period of the day in order to provide them with information and arrange for transportation.
Hotel – The most popular accommodation choice for travellers around the world, Hotels usually offer different room or suite accommodations in different price ranges and with different classes and additional services available for free or at an additional charge. Hotels usually offer more amenities than the room accommodation including pools, restaurants, gyms, etc.
Hostel – Usually a very inexpensive accommodation often booked by young travellers from around the world. Hostel rooms and other areas such as bathrooms, kitchen, common areas are normally shared by more people who do not necessarily travel together as a group.
Hub – A city or airport where a particular airline has a major presence. Usually, it is the city of origin of the airline company.
Inbound tour operator – A tour operator who specializes in offering tours to overseas travellers. They can operate the tour by themselves or through partner companies and tour operators.
Inbound tour – A tour for travellers that originates in another location than their local one, usually another country.
Incentive tour/travel – A tour offered as a reward to employees for their outstanding performance or in order to stimulate their production.
Incidental charge – Charges incurred by the participants of the tour that are not included in the tour price.
Inclusive tour – A tour/holiday package that usually includes transportation, accommodation, transfer, sightseeing, meals, etc.
In-flight service – Services, items, and entertainment available on a flight for the convenience of the passengers.
In season – Only available in certain time periods of the year.
Inside cabin – On a cruise ship, a stateroom that has no windows. The inside cabin can be smaller or the same size of the outside cabin.
Interline connection – A trip that includes a connecting flight from a different airline.
Intercontinental – The transit from one continent to another.
Intermodal tour – A tour that includes several different forms of transportation, such as a plane, a train, a cruise ship, a car, etc.
Itinerary – The entire schedule of a tour or the entire trip and major travel elements.
In transit – In the process of travelling.
Jet bridge – At the airport, the movable connector as an extended form of the terminal gate to the plane. The jet bridge allows the passengers to board and embark the plane without going outside.
Jet lag – A condition as a result of travelling through a few different time zones. While not everyone suffers from a jet lag, it is affecting some travellers’ biological clock and makes them feel tired and exhausted for a while.
Jet ski – An outdoor waterfront activity. It may include jet ski mobiles, which allows people to cruise a large lake, or through the sea or ocean fast and efficiently.
Joint fare – A fee charged to a traveller who is using a flight that utilizes at least two different airlines. The joint fare is the cost of the entire flight.
Jump seat – On an airplane, the jump seat is an additional seat for people who are not operating the airplane such as the cabin crew and a trainee.
Kayak – A popular waterfront activity in many destinations. Kayaking is the process of cruising the water of a lake, river, etc. in a specially designed kayak boat.
Keycard – An electronic device that is the alternative of keys of the door of a hotel room/accommodation.
Kettle class – A flight crew slang term for economy or coach class.
King room – A hotel room that features a king-size bed.
Lanai – In Hawaii and other tropical countries, lanai is called a balcony and a porch. A lanai is often a luxury feature to a hotel room.
Land arrangements – Includes all non-flying arrangements upon arrival. Usually includes car rental, hotel, and other tourist reservations.
Land destinations – Also known as a travel destination. A place where someone is travelling to, journeying to, typically with the aim to enjoy and admire something with a natural, cultural, or historical value, natural or man-made beauty, amusement and entertainment, leisure, etc.
Land transfer – Travelling from and to an accommodation by a land travel method including a train, a taxi, a bus.
Land-only – A rate that does not include an airfare, Land-only rates usually include land-based charges such as accommodation, land transfers and transportation, etc.
Last-seat availability – When a travel agent can take the last seat on a particular flight for a customer. It refers to the last seat on a certain fare or literary the last seat available on the flight.
Late booking fee – An additional fee applied when travel arrangements are made last minute. Commonly, the late booking fee covers a last-minute delivery of documents and other arrangements that are made by the travel agent.
Late checkout – An additional exclusive extra for some passengers, who are allowed to check out later than the standard time.
Layover – The period of time between connecting flights.
LDW – Also known as a loss damage waiver. The LDW is a supplementary car rental insurance that covers an accidental damage, theft, vandalism.
Lead-in price – Refers to the lowest price available for a travel product, most commonly for a cabin on a cruise ship. Usually, there are a few staterooms on a cruise ship available on a lead-in price but better accommodations are offered on a slightly higher price.
Leg – The part of the journey between two scheduled stops.
Leisure travel – Refers to travelling for relaxation, on a holiday, or with friends and family.
Letter of agreement – In the tourism branch, when the buyer of a travel product or service is accepting the terms and conditions of the agreement in a form of a letter to the supplier of the products or services.
Lido deck – On a cruise ship, the lido deck is the one surrounding the pool area.
Limited service hotel – A hotel without a restaurant.
Load factor – The number of passengers travelling on a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel compared to the number of seats or cabins available,
Locator map – Refers to a map of an area or a city that shows different locations and hotels.
Locations – Refers to the destinations that people choose for their holidays.
Lodging – Any establishment offering overnight accommodation to travellers.
Low season – The less popular time for visiting a certain destination when there are no crowds of tourists around.
Lower bed – On a cruise ship, lower beds are the ones on the floor in the stateroom.
Luxury class – The most expensive category of accommodation or fare.
Luxury cruise – The most expensive cruise ship fares. Usually, luxury cruises are offered on smaller ships and the ration of the crew to guests is higher for the comfort and convenience of the guests.
Luxury travel – Luxury travel features exclusive and luxury experiences that go beyond the standard travel experience.
Manifest – The manifest is the important document providing information for every customer who has booked on a particular tour and also an insight into how popular the tour is, the overall schedule of the tour, etc.
Markup – When a rack rate is increased in a result of an increased accommodation or activity interest during a period with a typically higher demand.
Maximum stay – The longest period of time a customer is allowed to stay in a certain destination while still qualifying for a discounted rate.
Meet-and-greet service – A pre-paid and pre-purchased service for welcoming and meeting passengers upon their arrival in a city. Meet-and-greet usually happens at the airport, railway station, or a pair. The whole point of the meet-and-greet service is assisting guests with the entrance formalities, obtaining transportation, and collecting the baggage.
Meeting/conference tour – A tour designed for the participants of a specific meeting or conference.
Minimum connect time – The minimal period of time required in order to successfully transfer between two connecting flights. Usually, passengers would like selecting flights that exceed the minimum connect time.
Motorcoach tour operators – Tour operators owning their own motorcoaches.
Motorcoach tour – A tour that includes a motor coach as a way of transportation.
Multi-day tour – A travel package that includes at least two days.
Multigenerational travel – Refers to a category of tours designed for all members of the family from different generations.
Mystery tour – A journey designed so that the passengers are not told where they are going and the destination is a surprise.
Natural attraction – A natural phenomenon that is commonly visited as a tourist attraction.
Nature cruise – A tour by a boat designed so that the passengers visit some sort of a natural sight, commonly a waterfall, lake, river, sunset, jungle areas, rocky areas, etc.
Net fare/rate – When the commission has already been applied to the price of the fare.
Net wholesale rate – A slightly lower rate than the wholesale rate. The net wholesale rate is applied to groups of individuals when the hotel is specifically mentioned in the tourist brochure. There is a markup of the rate by wholesale sellers of tours to cover distribution and promotion costs.
Niche market – A specialized and narrow segments of the travel market.
No show – A passengers who have not shown up for their flight, accommodation, or car rental reservation.
Non-changeable ticket – A ticket that cannot be exchanged for another route or time once it is purchased.
Non-refundable – A ticket that will refund no money of the customer decides to not use the ticket.
Non-transferable – A ticket that can be only used by the person who originally purchased it and made the reservation.
Nonstop – Nonstop flights travel directly to their destination without connecting flights.
Occupancy – The percentage of rooms/accommodations occupied for a certain period of time.
Occupancy rate – The expected room reservations during a given period of time.
Ocean view cabin – On a cruise ship, a cabin with a window with a view of the ocean. Ocean view cabins often have a balcony or a verandah.
OCV – Ocean view.
Offline connection – A connection requiring switching to a new carrier and aircraft.
Off-peak – Similar to a low season.
On-site guide – An on-site travel expert that lives in the country they serve and has a first-hand knowledge and understanding of all aspects of travelling in their country.
Online travel agency – Online travel agencies allow the customer to book everything related to their trip online and in one place.
Online reservation system – A system allowing the customer to make reservations online and get an immediate confirmation.
Open return – A travel ticket with no return date specified. Usually, the customer can choose a return date later than the initial purchase but no later than the specific period of time.
Open-jaw itinerary – A tour designed to depart from one destination and return to another destination different than the destination of departure.
Operator – A company that offers some sort of transportation service.
Option date – A deadline when a reservation has to be deposited or there will be a cancellation of the reservation if the option date is exceeded.
Optionals – Optional tour features that are included in the base price of the tour.
Outbound – The departure portion/leg of a journey.
Outbound operator – A company that serves a group of customers taking them from one city to another city.
Outbound tour – A tour designed to take the passengers out of a certain area, usually out of their domestic city.
Overbooking – Accepting reservations exceeding the available free space.
Override – A commission over the normal base commission percentage.
Packaged travel – A combination of two or more tour components which is composed, advertised, and sold by a tour operator for an all-inclusive price.
Passenger facility charge – Also known as PFC. An additional fee charged for using the airport.
Passenger name record – Also known as PNR. The official name on a reservation in a computer reservation system.
Passport/visa service – The service of taking your passport or a hard copy to an embassy in order to obtain a visa for a certain country that requires it.
Patronage program – A program of rewarding loyal customers.
Peak season – Similar to high season.
Personal effect coverage – An additional car rental insurance covering the loss of personal items from the vehicle.
Per diem – By the day.
Per-capita costs – Costs per person.
Point-to-point – Refers to the fare between two cities.
Port – The point of docking of a ship.
Port charges/taxes – Additional fees charged by local authorities upon the cruise lines for each passenger visiting a port of call.
Port of entry – Destination offering a custom and immigration service.
Porter – The employee handling luggage at the airport, railway station, etc.
Posada – In Spanish-speaking countries, a small country hotel.
Positive space – A space on an aircraft or cruise ship that can be confirmed ahead of time.
Post-cruise holiday – A holiday or a tour prior to the cruise in the place of the port of debarkation of the cruise.
PPDO – Per person, double occupancy.
Pre- and post-trip tour – An additional extension trip package before or after a meeting, gathering, or a convention.
Preformed group – An existing group of travellers whose members share a common interest or a corporative affiliation.
Prepaid ticket advice – A form allowing someone else at a different airport to pick up the ticket purchased.
Promo codes – Promotional codes allowing the customer to get a discount.
Promotional group tour – A tour package designed to meet the specific needs of niche customers who are not a part of an organized group.
Private rate – An exclusive rate available to all travel agents.
Prix fixe – Meals offered at a fixed price, no substitutions allows, usually consisting of several courses.
Preferred rate – An exclusive rate that is available to tour agents, tour operators have a preferred relationship with.
Published fare – A fare offered by the airline for an immediate purchase. The published fare does not include very discounted flights.
Purser – On a cruise ship, the employee responsible for providing a wide variety of services including information, making changes, stamps, etc.
Quad – A room suitable for four persons.
Quid – The British monetary term for a pound sterling.
Quote – A price approximation offered by a company to a customer so they can budget for the services they want when they reach their destination.
Real-time booking – An option available to travellers to book their trips in real-time.
Rack rate – The price of an accommodation prior to a discount.
Rate desk – The office of a carrier where rates can be calculated for tour agents and passengers.
Reasonable number – A forecast of a break-even point for a tour.
Rebating – Refers to the practice of returning part of a commission of an agency back to the client in the form of a discount.
Receptive operator – A local tour agency specialized in serving incoming travellers and visitors often for tour operator agencies.
Reconfirm – The act of double-checking a reservation.
Record locator – The unique number assigned to a reservation in airlines number.
Red-eye flight – The flights departing in the time period between 9 PM and 7 AM.
Referral agent/agency – An agent who refers a business to an agency in return for a commission or a fee.
Reissue – A ticket that is issued in a result of a change in the travel plans. Reissue tickets often require additional fees or penalties.
Reservation fee – When the customer pays for a certain percentage of the travel package price. The payment has to be made immediately after booking.
Responsible tourism – See eco-conscious travel
Retail rate – The money a customer pays for a travel product.
Retirement travel – A category of travel designed for customers who have already retired from a career. A travel done after a retirement age.
Rollaway – An additional set of bedding that can be added to a hotel room to accommodate another guest.
Romantic destination – A travel category that involves an activity or a destination that is associated with romance and love.
Room night – In the hotel industry, the occupancy of a room per night.
Room rate – The rate used by lodging property to price a room. Normally includes day rate, flat rate, group rate, net group rate, net wholesale rate, and published rate.
Rooming list – A list of the names of all tour participants along with their specific lodging requests. Every list has a spot for the hotel or cruise ship company to fill in the passenger’s room number.
Round trip – Transportation that includes the point of departure and the point of arrival.
Run-of-house – Also known as ROH. A hotel room assigned at the discretion of the hotel shortly before an arrival of a guest.
Run-of-ship – Also known as ROS. A cabin on a cruise ship assigned at the discretion of the cruise ship shortly before an arrival of a guest.
Run-of-the-house rate – When the lodging agrees to offer any of its available rooms to a group at a flat rate.
Safari – A journey including a game viewing and some time spent in wilderness areas, usually game reserves and national parks. Traditionally, safaris are focused on viewing wildlife.
Saturday night stay – A requirement by an airline company that a passenger’s stay should include a Saturday night stay over in order to obtain a lower price.
Scandals tour – A history tour that includes stories of interesting historical scandals that took place at the spots of a visit.
Scheduled carrier – An airline that offers scheduled flights between destinations.
Scheduled tour – Also known as a public tour or a retail tour. A tour that is set in a tour operator’s regular schedule of tour departure.
Segment – A part of a journey, commonly referred to an air itinerary.
Self-drive – In Britain, a rental car.
Service non comprise – In French, service non-included
Shells – Preprinted brochures with visual elements but not text
Shore excursion – Refers to a land tour available at ports of call sold to cruise passengers.
Shoulder season – The tourist season between the high season and the low season.
Sightseeing companies – Agencies offering local guided tours.
Sightseeing tour – Refers to a tour designed to focus on visiting the main attractions in a place/area/city.
Single room – An accommodation designed for the overnight stay of one individual.
Single supplement – An additional charge added to solo travellers, when prices are originally published for a dual occupancy.
Soft adventure – An outdoor experience that is not especially physically or mentally demanding.
SPA – Refers to a resort area offering services involving mineral water, hot springs, or a lake. Typically features massages, hydrotherapy, exercise, steam bath, sauna, etc.
Special event tour – A tour that features a major happening or a special event such as a concert, festival, etc.
Special-interest tour – A tour that is designed for the wishes and needs of individuals or groups with special interests.
Specialised travel agent – A travel agent specialized in one particular travel destination or type of activity.
Split ticket – Multiple tickets for one round-trip journey. This is done for reducing the price of the reservation.
Sports tourism – A tourism category focused on a travel that involves participating in or observing sports.
Standby – A passenger with no confirmed seat on a flight.
Star service – A subjective critical guide describing details about hotels and cruise ship properties.
Stateroom – A private room or a component of an accommodation on a cruise ship or a train.
Stopover – A planed stayover for a day or loner while on a journey to another destination.
Subcontractor – A local operator providing services for a wholesaler.
Suite – Refers to a hotel room with more than one accommodation, often including a kitchen area, distinct sleeping and living areas.
Tariff – Refers to a schedule of prices/fares.
Tender – A small boat or ferry that transport passengers from an anchored cruise ship to a port/shore.
Terminal – A building designed for travellers reporting for trips via different methods of transportation. Also known as a depot and a station.
Theme cruise – A cruise designed for the specific interest of the passengers.
Theme tour – A tour designed for the specific interest of the passengers.
Through passenger – Refers to a passenger who remains in the plane at a connecting spot.
Ticket stock – Refers to blank airline tickets.
Tickler system – Refers to a method of monitoring reservations and payments that are arranged by date. Points out late payments so customers can be contacted.
Tiered pricing – A suppliers’ offer of different prices to receptive operators, tour operators, and group leaders so each party can earn a certain percentage by marking up the supplier’s price.
Tour – Refers to a prearranged and prepaid journey to one or more destinations that commonly returns to the point of origin with an itinerary of different often leisure activities. Tours include at least two travel elements.
Tour catalogue – Issued by tour wholesalers for promoting the different tour offerings they provide. Tour catalogues are usually distributed to tour agents and operators who are offering them to customers.
Tour company – A company combining tour components to create a packaged holiday and offer it to customers. Also known as a tour operator.
Tour conductor – The person in charge of the tour. Also known as a tour manager, tour escort.
Tour guide – A qualified and certified person to conduct tours on specific locations.
Tour manual – A collection of facts about a certain destination, tour procedures, forms, and other important information.
Tour order – Refers to a voucher provided to the purchaser of a tour package that identifies the tour, the seller, and the fact that this is a prepaid tour. This voucher is proof of a payment that can be used by the purchaser.
Tour planner – A person involved in researching a destination and suppliers, negotiating contracts, and creating itineraries for tour packages.
Tour series – Multiple departures to the same destinations in the frame of one year.
Tour wholesaler – Tour wholesalers do not sell tour packages directly to customers but they link individual tour operators with retailers and supply different touring options, promoting different tour programs that appeal to certain markets by targeting consumers and retail travel agents.
Tourism organisation – Refers to an organization that helps travellers plan their trips and promoting businesses in a certain field.
Tourism – Refers to the business providing marketing services and facilities for leisure travellers.
Tourist – Travelers who are not on a holiday.
Tourist card – Often issues along with a visa to identify that someone can enter a country. Often issues for a short period of time.
Transcontinental – Crossing two continents.
Transfer – Refers to a local transportation from one carrier terminal to another, from a terminal to a hotel, or from a hotel to an attraction.
Transit visa – A type of visa issued to people who will stop over in a country or make a brief visit.
Transportation – Any method that allows moving travellers from one point of the journey to another.
Travel advisor – A qualified person assisting customers in choosing and organizing a trip while providing consultation services and entire travel packages. Travel advisors also can assist in booking different elements of a tour. Also known as a travel agent or a travel specialist.
Travel agent – A qualified person who assist travellers with arranging lodging, meals, transportation, cruises, tours, and other travel activities and elements typically on a commission basis. Also known as a travel specialist or a travel advisor.
Travel component – Elements of a travel package, often including lodging, transportation, dining, attractions, entertainment, guide services, etc.
Travel insurance – An insurance that is issued to cover medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost luggage and personal belongings, flight accident, and other losses and accidents occurred while travelling.
Travel policy – An international document outlining the guidelines for a business travel and expenses within a company.
Trundle bed – A bed that is designed to be stored under another bed.
Turnaway – A flight that leaves and returns to a base on the same day. Also known as turnaround.
UNESCO World Heritage Site – A natural or a man-made place that is honoured and listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as being of a special cultural significance.
Unlimited mileage – Refers to when the one who rents a car is not limited by a specific mileage requirement.
Unrestricted fare – An airfare with no limitations, usually with no blackout days and typically refundable.
VAT (Value Added Tax) – A tax on goods usually applied in Europe.
Value season – Similar to shoulder season.
Villa – A large and often luxurious country residence.
VIP experience – An extra luxurious travel experience that goes beyond the standard travel experience.
Visa – A document or a stamp in a passport that identifies that someone is allowed an entrance in a country.
Visa service – A service dealing with processing a visa with a fee charged.
Visitors information centre – A dedicated stop in most of the popular touristic destination that provides information to travellers and answers to their questions related to the destination.
Voyage – A long journey usually involving air or sea transportation.
Waiver – Refers to a written acknowledgement that a customer has declined something, often an insurance coverage for a trip.
Walking tour – A tour category designed in a way where the traveller walks on a path with a guided tour.
Walk-up – Refers to someone who purchases airfare tickets last minute, usually at the airport ticket counter.
Wellness travel – A travel category designed with the purpose of promoting health and well-being through a different kind of activities and leisure.
Wet bar – Refers to an area of a hotel room that features a bar with a running water.
Zip line – A popular tourist activity in many destinations featuring going over a natural area such as a jungle, a forest, a lake, etc. and by this allowing to experience the area in a different and very exciting way.