9 Circles Of Hell Of The Popular Beaches

Going on a summer beach holiday is something that most of us wait for impatiently all year round. Hands down, the summer holiday is the best time of the year! Just make up your mind and think of all the long office weeks you have dreamed of laying on the beach, sipping on a fresh cocktail, having fun and enjoying life. Finally, the tickets and room are booked, you pack your bags and the time for finally digging your feet into the fine sand and soaking up the sunlight and heat comes. But wait a minute, is it really what you have imagined it to be? What happens when you finally arrive on one of those popular and over-crowded beach nearby the resort you stay at? Let’s have a look and find out what happens when you finally hop on the journey to the 9 circles of hell of the popular beach!
First Circle
Here you can find all the people that walk over your beach towel with an imperceptible manner and they simply do not care that they are doing so! Arghhhh! We are sure that you know these people and you have met them at least once during your summer holiday. Every season it is all the same – they walk over your beach towel as if it is not existing and transfer half of the beach’s sand ON your towel and INTO your mouth, eyes and nose. What makes things even worse is when these people are completely convinced that they actually do not walk over your towel and that your towel is the one being left on their sand. You get a bonus if you place your beach towel and lay down close to the sea – then people will have the great opportunity to squeeze their soaking wet hair and bathing suits ON your towel and ON you.
Second Circle
Here you can find those people, who come to the beach with a Bluetooth speaker and they are completely and entirely confident that everyone around them in a perimeter of one kilometre is simply dying to listen some stupid summer music hit all day long. To be honest, there is no matter what songs and music style you enjoy, even if we share some common taste and interest in music, we are sure that everyone around you would prefer you enjoying your music with your headphones on.
Third Circle
Here you will find all people that left their rubbish right there, on the beach. To be honest, most of the European crowded beaches are definitely struggling with a lack of enough trashcans to hold and collect all the rubbish of everyone on the beach that day, but this definitely does not mean that you can leave your rubbish right there, on the sand. This is completely wrong not only from an ecological point of view (you are simply destroying the sea and its environment) but this is also completely wrong in a moral sense, in a social and community point of view. “Once I dig it into the sand, no one will notice it.” – well, this is certainly not the kind of mentality we would like to witness on the beach… or anywhere around, to be honest.
Forth Circle
Here you can find the beach traders of all kinds of stupid goods and probably not fresh snacks. Most of the European beaches have them and you can experience a high saturation of them when you visit an Eastern European beach especially. Do not get us wrong, we are definitely not against trading and these people making their own way to earn money, but often things go out of control. They are super noisy and often very annoying. After all, the beach is a place for relaxation, right? They might be funny, but they are also really dedicated to selling you something, to the point that they are often rudely entering your private space.
Fifth Circle
Here you will find the extremely noisy people. They are constantly in a state of screaming something to someone, when on the beach. They scream to their children to go out of the water, they scream to their neighbours, they scream to people located on the other end of the beach, they scream when talking on the phone. They simply scream and live to be noisy and annoying.
Sixth Circle
Here you can find all annoying parents of all annoying children on the beach. Do not get us wrong, we understand that children also can enjoy the beach, however, we simply do not like to hear you screaming the name of your child every other minute.
Seventh Circle
Here you will find all the women, who decide that the beach is the best place for grooming themselves. They come with their full manicure sets, they come with their tweezers, they come with their nail polishes… and they use them, without a doubt. Ok, we understand that you want to utilise your time and not simply lay there, on the beach, and relax. We also understand that it could get a bit boring after a few hours. But, hey, what about reading a book or a magazine?! Grooming, really? Is this the best you came up with?
Eight Circle
Here is the place for all those nasty people that place their beach towels exactly one centimetre away from your beach towel… no matter what the whole beach around is completely empty. Talking about disrupting your personal space, right? And what is even worse, half an hour later and it turns out that friends and relatives to these people suddenly pop out and they decide to place their beach towels all around you… so you are finally surrounded!
Ninth Circle
Well, we saved the best for last. Finally, the ninth circle of the beachy Hell is saved for all those children that constantly scream: “Mooommmyyyy! Mooooooom! Mooootheeerrr! Looook at meeee! Look at what I just diiiiiiid!” Yep, we are sure you know them… it is really hard to not notice them and they are everywhere. Please, make sure your children are not disrupting anyone around because 10 out of 10 human beings on the beach that are not parents to your children are simply not interested in what your kids have to say. This may sound a bit too blunt and we understand that children have fun and all that jazz, but the constant screaming is simply making our holiday a nightmare and everyone here has the right to relax and spend some quality time, when on a holiday.
There are probably a lot more things we can add to this list, but for one holiday, we think that this is more than enough. After all, remember to enjoy your holiday as much as possible and do not stress about small things.