9 Things You Learn When Traveling Alone

The idea of travelling alone is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. Of course, it is quite of adventure to travel solo, there are many things you have to deal with alone. There are many unexpected situations you need to experience yourself only, etc. On the other hand, travelling alone comes with so many benefits and advantages. The whole experience helps you not only experience typical situations differently, but also allows you make some observations for yourself.
Also, learn some new things and even surprise yourself by discovering new qualities of yours as well as new bits in your own persona and develop things life self-discipline, creativeness and even bravery. With that being said, travelling alone, although a bit of a scary thought, definitely worth it to the point where you wouldn’t want to adventure any other way! Here are 9 things that make travelling solo and spending some time with yourself only a rewarding and enriching experience:
Meeting new people and creating and managing new friendships
When you travel with someone it is natural that you spend your time and dedicate your attention to this someone you are with, which is a good thing for making your relationship and friendship stronger than ever, but on the other hand that way you miss from getting to know new people and making new friendships. Besides the fact that locals can always be a helping hand for discovering and experiencing new places and activities, but also making new friends. Additionally, when you are solo, you usually get braver and feel more comfortable which makes it easier for you to strike up a conversation with others.
You make locals curious and engage with them on a different level
Yes indeed, locals get more curious and you are more enigmatic and interesting at first when you are a solo traveller. There is some kind of charm and even romantic feel to a solo traveller and locals can easily get attracted to you, which is a win-win situation because that way you can meet new people even easier. Local folks tend to be more open and often tend to help even more to solo travellers, so whatever it will be your host, an owner of a small local café or someone else, this is a whole new experience you otherwise probably wouldn’t be able to go through when travelling with others.
Everything is your own choice
Oh, such a rewarding and amazing experience that you can feel free to do whatever you want and whenever you want to do it. When you are travelling with someone else, there is always the type of situation you need to consider and defer this person’s wishes and desires that are not necessarily similar to yours.
You gain a deep understanding
When you travel alone, you have more time to make observations and experience new destinations, cultures, history and adventures in a different, deeper way. When you are not focused on your travelling partner, you have the whole time and attention in the world to focus on the experience instead and gain so much more knowledge and since you are more immersed in your surroundings, you start noticing smaller details you otherwise would miss.
The advantage of being anonymous
There is something liberating and so much charm and pleasure to be anonymous sometimes, to be in a place, where no one knows you and you can be the person you want to be at that moment without a second thought. Traveling alone for many people is a fresh start and time for self-analyze and a chance to escape from the baggage of your everyday life. It is a great way of self-therapy and self-help.
Spending time alone is healthy
It is a shame that we rarely get enough of some time we dedicate ourselves and our desires and wishes only, but traveling alone is a great way to experience that and get a healthier relationship with yourself as well as having the chance to reflect your life back home, find a way to deal with all difficulties and improve what you are not happy with. If this is not a healthy experience for your mind and body, then what could be healthier than this?!
Distances help you appreciate
On the other side of this experience, travelling and far distances can help you appreciate what and who you already have, so when you are back home, you can be a better friend, parent, wife or husband, child or grandchild and also enjoy what you have taken for granted to this day. Distances also can help you see and understand that some people and things you have considered to be very important, really are not.
Getting more creative
When you feel lonely, or a bit scared that you are all by yourself and there is no one you can rely on, this is the moment that unlocks your creativity and motivation to their full mode and power.
It is fun to pretend that you are local
You can experience a whole new way of travelling, a one-of-a-kind experience and pretend you are a local, spending your day and night as locals do when there is no one with you to remind you that you are born far away from this place.
Finally, travelling alone is not simply a process of bracing yourself and gathering your bravery and motivation to experience a country differently and to have more time for exploring a new culture and history. Traveling solo is way more than this, way more than the surface of the iceberg, because when you are alone and away, this is what the actual soul journey is a very enriching and rewarding experience.
Traveling alone is a wonderful thing. Although the concept and idea of traveling alone is scary and intimidating for many people, I can confirm that it only sounds scary at first and when you finally try it, you will start wonder why it took you that much time.